Block C – Animation
- We will begin the “Magic Sword” project
- Those that created a sword as a Blender intro may wish to continue with that sword, adding a scene and animating it.
Block D – ICT 11/12
- Python programming (Taking a Vacation and a Trip to the Supermarket need to be completed by the end of the week)
Block C – Animation
- Last day to create assets for the Unity game (choose to make a track or a car)
- This is marked as complete/incomplete
- Submit by the end of class in order for it to be integrated into game for Tuesday
Block D – ICT 11/12
- Python programming (Tip Calculator, Date and Time and Pyg Latin should be completed by today)
Block C – Animation
- Continue creating assets for the Unity game (choose to make a track or a car)
Block D – ICT 11/12
- Python programming (Tip Calculator, Date and Time and Pyg Latin should be completed by the end of the week)
Block C – Animation
- Continue creating assets for the Unity game (choose to make a track or a car)
Block D – ICT 11/12
- Python programming (Tip Calculator, Date and Time and Pyg Latin should be completed by the end of the week)
Block C – Animation
- Grade 12s have another assembly today at 2pm
- Check Town Hall for end of Semester info
- Today and tomorrow we will be creating assets for the Unity game (choose to make a track or a car, Mr. Powell to demo)
Block D – ICT 11/12
- Watch last 20 mins of “Free to Play” movie
- Check Town Hall for end of Semester info
- Begin Python programming