Week of Monday, April 3

Note: For the 2 weeks following this week, please refer to the “April Road Map” posted on Teams as I’ve laid out the plan for you there while you have a TOC.

A: ICT 11/12

Monday: Python Ch. 6 lab completion

Tuesday*: Silent Reading // Python Ch. 7 read / short answers

Wednesday: Python Ch. 7 short answers

Thursday: Python Ch. 7 complete short answers (check answers with Mr. Powell’s video)


*Silent reading every Tuesday and BADC Friday

Students who are ahead of schedule can always work ahead. Let me know and I will open the next chapter.

C: Video & Film 10-12

Monday: Documentary Project Brainstorm / Overview + Complete short documentary analysis

Tuesday: Feature Documentary

Wednesday: Feature Documentary + answer questions

Thursday*: Silent Reading // Form groups for Documentary and post pitch to Teams. Can begin Pre-Production/Research.


*Silent reading every Thursday and DCBA Friday

D: Computers 9/10

Monday: Review Scratch Game Project Criteria + Broadcasting // Begin Scratchy Road

Tuesday: Scratchy Road

Wednesday*: Silent Reading // MIT Scratch Tutorial 3

Thursday: Complete MIT Scratch Tutorial 3 + catch-up on previous work


*Silent reading every Wednesday and CDAB Friday