Block C – Computers 8
- Computer Build Challenge
- Spec out 2 computers
- You will have some time tomorrow to finish this
- Guild Battle
Block D – ICT 11/12
- LPTHW complete Exercises 15-17
- Wednesday we will have your second Python Project. Please have up to exercise 17 (minimum!) completed before then.
Block C – Computers 8
- Computer Hardware –
- “Computer Cartography” and “Inside a Computer”
Block D – ICT 11/12
Block C – Computers 8
- Anti-Bullying Poster (design using Photoshop or Flash)
- Protecting Your Privacy: Cybertour and Cyberquiz
Block D – ICT 11/12
- LPTHW complete Exercises 13-15
Wednesday Thursday we will have your first Python Project. Please have up to exercise 12 (minimum!) completed before then.
Block C – Computers 8
- Cyberbullying “Character Interviews” + discussion
- Anti-Bullying Poster (design using Photoshop or Flash)
Block D – ICT 11/12
- LPTHW complete Exercises 9-12
Wednesday Thursday we will have your first Python Project. Please have up to exercise 12 completed before then.
Block C – Computers 8
- Flash Catch-Up Day
- Those that are done can move onto the next World
Block D – ICT 11/12
- LPTHW complete Exercises 6-9
- Wednesday we will have your first Python Project. Please have up to exercise 12 completed before then.