Block A – Video and Film
- Short Film Production / Post
- Short Films due December 7 (deadline extended due to software problems)
- If you are using a blue camera, you will have to get Mr. Powell to convert your video files to use with Premiere Pro
- Pay attention during editing. There will be a higher expectation for individuals to edit on the next project now that we can edit on every machine.
Block B – Computers 8
- Web Design Project – using Dreamweaver
- Continue working on Website
- Mr. Powell to demo how to link local pages
Block C – Video and Film
- Short Film Production / Post
- Short Films due December 7 (deadline extended due to software problems)
- If you are using a blue camera, you will have to get Mr. Powell to convert your video files to use with Premiere Pro
- Pay attention during editing. There will be a higher expectation for individuals to edit on the next project now that we can edit on every machine.
Block D – HACE 9 BLUE
- Revisit Canada Food Guide
- Recommended serving examples (handout)
- A Week of Healthy Eating (assignment)