Week of Monday, May 1

A: ICT 11/12

Monday: Final day to complete Python Ch. 7 & 8 lab. After today, we move on to Chapter 9.

Tuesday*: Silent Reading // Python Ch. 9 introduction

Wednesday: Python Ch. 9 short answer

Thursday: Python Ch. 9 short answer review

Friday: PRO-D DAY

*Silent reading every Tuesday and BADC Friday

C: Video & Film 10-12

Monday: Watch completed Documentary Films // Story Structure with Pixar Part 3 & 4

Tuesday: Story Structure with Pixar Part 5 and/or complete any parts not done yet. Those that are done can generate more stories or begin working on treatments.

Wednesday: Short Film Treatments

Thursday*: Silent Reading // Short Film Treatments

Friday: PRO-D DAY

*Silent reading every Thursday and DCBA Friday

D: Computers 9/10

Monday: Adobe Animate Tutorials

Tuesday: Adobe Animate Tutorials

Wednesday*: Silent Reading // Adobe Animate Tutorials

Thursday: Adobe Animate Tutorials

Friday: PRO-D DAY

*Silent reading every Wednesday and CDAB Friday