Week of Monday, November 15

Note: Early dismissal schedule on Tuesday and early Friday.

B: ICT 11/12

Monday: Silent Reading // Inventing with Python Ch. 4

Tuesday: Technology Presentation // Inventing with Python Ch. 5

Wednesday: Complete up to Inventing with Python Ch. 5

Thursday: Python Assessment #2 (requires Ch. 5)

Friday: Inventing with Python Ch. 6

C: Video and Film

Monday: Documentary Post // Documentary Screening

Tuesday: Story Spine Activity // Narrative Structure with Pixar

Wednesday: Narrative Structure with Pixar

Thursday: Story Structure Analysis (Feature Film)

Friday: Story Structure Analysis (Feature Film)

D: Computers 8

Monday D2: Colour Palettes

Tuesday D1: Photoshop Activity 1 OR Pixel Art (half the class will be working on one, then we will swap)

Wednesday D2: Complete Colour Palettes // Create an Avatar

Thursday D1: Photoshop Activity 1 OR Pixel Art (whichever you did not do on Tuesday)

Friday D2: Photoshop Activity 1 OR Pixel Art (half the class will be working on one, then we will swap)